
Order Updates-I'm using Venmo!

I'm already a few weeks into my 40s and I've done my best to keep up with the worthy technology. Some of it I will never adopt, but there is some good stuff out there.

That said, I am adding a Venmo account to accept payments for projects and orders. I still have my PayPal account as well, and I never turn down green hard cash either. But paying for stuff really should be easier than it is. I've had local buyers flake on me or even try to haggle after a verbal deal is made. I understand the art of a deal. And for projects that I make, they also must realize the time it takes to make something. For a unique handmade piece, I only ask what is fair. 

So that said, here's my Venmo info: @Nathan-Graybill 

It's an easy service and I want to make it easy. Meanwhile, I'll get back to working on a few projects !

Use the contact form on the side, or leave a comment if you would like something made just for you!

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